Dance Instructor
Miss Meredith
Miss Meredith spent her childhood trying every possible activity and couldn’t find something she loved. As soon as she discovered dance, her passion exploded. Though she started late to the dance world, she caught up quickly due to her love for the art. Meredith started her dance education locally in Chesapeake and attended numerous performance opportunities. She has danced in the Norfolk Grand Illumination Parade and the Chesapeake Rotary Christmas Parade. Her favorite parade event to attend annually was the National Cherry Blossom parade in Washington, D.C. These events inspired her love for the precision style and she became obsessed with the Rockettes. In 2019 she auditioned for and was accepted to the Rockettes Summer Intensive. She has done performance trips to Disney World dancing for the crowds and was able to experience their auditions process. On top of this she was on a competition and performance team- she was ALWAYS dancing.
Miss Meredith knew she wanted to teach. In 2017 she started to train under one of her teachers and really learn what it requires. For her it came naturally, and opened up a new passion. She assisted as many classes as she could until she was finally offered to start teaching on her own. This is her fourth year teaching in studio and mobile preschool dance classes. She is always researching for new teaching methods and skills online where the dance world is constantly evolving. Miss Meredith is skilled in tap, jazz, contemporary, lyrical, hip hop, musical theatre, and acro. Miss Meredith has recently become Acrobatic Arts Module One Certified. If you ever need to know a ballet term and definition, she’s got your back!
When she is not in the studio she is usually at the beach, getting coffee, or spending time with her closest friends. She loves to talk and crack jokes! If you’re in her class, be prepared to work hard and laugh at the same time. Miss Meredith is excited to be a part of the Shining Stars family!